Vegetarian Food and Nutrition

6 Vegetarian Foods Rich in Vitamin-A, Have a Look!

As we all know, vitamin A is one generic term for a group of fat-soluble compounds, which is highly essential for human health.

It is a common and known fact that in taking care of your vision, vitamin A plays a significant role. But, that's not it.

Vitamin A is required for many processes in a human body, including maintaining healthy vision, lowering the risk of certain cancers, assuring the natural purpose of your immune system and organs, reducing the risk of acne, supporting bone health and also assisting the proper growth and development of babies in the womb in expecting mothers and more.

Even it is prescribed by doctors that men should get 900 mcg, women 700 mcg, and children & adolescents 300–600 mcg of vitamin A every day. No wonder these stats show how important is Vitamin A for the human body.

But then the question arises that how should one consume this much of Vitamin A in a day? So, for the Vitamin A is mostly available in sources which are bright red, yellow or orange. Well, don’t think much!
Scroll down and have a look at the list of vegetarian foods which are rich sources of vitamin A for your diet plan. 

1. Milk

Shocking, right? I know, because all we know is milk best source of calcium. But that's not it! Milk contains loads of vitamins. Yes, a glass of milk can do wonders to your health.

According to the USDA's National Nutrition Database, milk is an ideal source of nutrients, such as vitamin A, D, B12, carbohydrates, calcium, selenium, phosphorous, magnesium, zinc, riboflavin, and protein.

Apart from that, it is an extremely beneficial drink from the health aspects of the human body. Intake of milk improves heart health, strengthens the bone structure, reduces the risk of decaying teeth and weak gums, and also helps in skin issues.

So, in all, adding a glass of milk to your daily diet can also help you to achieve a well-balanced diet.

2. Red Bell Pepper

When it comes to Red bell peppers, its vibrant red color makes it good for health. Moreover, they are high in vitamin A, which helps to support healthy eyesight, especially night vision.

So no doubt seeing red is a good thing when it comes to bell peppers. Apart from that, the combined effects of vitamin A and C create a great antioxidant capacity, which makes the red bell pepper a top-notch superfood.
For better taste, you can toss it into salads or team it with other veggies in stir-fries for some peppery flavor. 

3. Carrots

This one is a great source as one cup of chopped carrots is said to give 334 percent of your daily vitamin A needs. And that's all we need.

So, the best way of making the most of the nutrients is to eat carrots sliced/tossed in salads, raw or juiced. Must say, carrots are often thought of as the ultimate health food.

Since generations, parents are saying, "Carrots will help you see in the dark."

4. Pumpkin

Who knew that the showstopper ingredient of Halloween parties is a powerhouse of Vitamin A. Truly, per 100 grams of pumpkin grants you 170% of your everyday requirement.

You can take it in the form of pies, soups, snacks, or even mix it with other veggies to make Labra, a popular Bengali dish.

5. Sweet Potatoes

Not only Vitamin A but sweet potatoes are high in so many nutrients. And the best part, it is so delicious. Intake of sweet potato (medium sized) provides about 900 micrograms of vitamin A, plus lots of iron, vitamin C, fiber, and potassium.

6. Mangos


Everyone’s favorite & the king of fruits also comes under this category. Only one mango has 181 micrograms of vitamin A, a healthy dose of vitamin K, and more than a day's worth of vitamin C. No wonder, it is also one great option as a smoothie ingredient.

Take Home Thoughts

So, we have seen how much vitamin A is needful in our diet plan. Well, must say, an excess of anything is harmful; similarly, the excess of vitamin A is also harmful.

Always follow the stats mentioned above and ask your doctors for better information.

Be Healthy, Be Vegetarian!

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