Vegetarian Health Benefits

These Vegetarian Foods Should Be Included & Avoided During Pregnancy

Pregnant women often get confused about what foods are good for their health and what should be avoided. During pregnancy, a woman should choose foods that provide proteins, vitamins, and other essential nutrients that are helpful for the baby. There are some misconceptions about vegetarianism during pregnancy, but in reality, vegetarian foods are a perfect treat for healthy pregnancies.
A diet plays an important role in the baby’s health. The goal of a healthy pregnancy should be eating varieties of food to get the essential nutrients, to eat at least three servings of iron-rich foods a day, to choose foods that are rich in fiber and carbohydrates, and more.
If you are pregnant, then eat foods that are rich in protein and could give proper nutrition to the baby. Also, certain foods like unpasteurized cheese, alcohol, brinjal, and papaya should be avoided.
So given below is an ultimate guide about what to eat and what not to eat when you are pregnant. Before you change your eating habits, read what foods give proper nutrition & what should not be consumed.

Vegetarian Foods That Should be Included in a Diet During Pregnancy

1. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes are rich in a plant compound, beta carotene, that is converted into vitamin A in your body. Experts recommend a pregnant woman to eat food rich in vitamin A.

Furthermore, this vegetarian food is also rich in fiber and iron, which thus improves digestive health and reduces blood sugar. About 4-5 ounce of sweet potatoes fulfills the RDI. 

2. Whole Grains

Whole Grains meet the calorie requirements during the third trimester. They are packed in proteins, vitamins, and fiber, which are important during pregnancy. Whole grains have insoluble fiber that pushes food quickly through the digestive system. 

A pregnant woman should eat oatmeal for breakfast, whole grain bread for lunch, and brown rice for dinner.

3. Avocados

Avocados contain a lot of monosaturated fatty acids. They are rich in copper, vitamin C, and potassium. The healthy fats in Avocados prevent neural tube defects and help in building tissues of the fetus. 

Consuming Avocados also relieves leg cramps that are commonly noticed in a pregnant woman.

4. Red Bell Peppers

Red Bell Peppers are nutritional and helpful in pregnancy. It is rich in Vitamin C and promotes fetal brain development. One large red bell pepper contains over 200mg of vitamin C and offers tons of advantages for the growing baby. 

5. Lentils

Lentils are rich in vitamin B and folate that are necessary for a pregnant woman. They form the baby’s brain and nervous system and protects against neural tube defects. Eat Lentils as a side dish or add into salads and soups to change a flavor. 

Apart from these foods, it is recommended to eat broccoli, dried peas, and beans, raisins, and tomatoes in a day for a healthy pregnancy.

Vegetarian Foods That Should Be Strictly Avoided During Pregnancy

1. Papaya

Papaya contains latex, which causes uterine contractions. It is said that papaya stimulates absorption, and thus, should not be consumed during pregnancy. 

Ripe papaya could be beneficial for pregnant women, but unripe papaya is dangerous. The type of latex in unripe papaya should be avoided because it is a common allergen and could cause a dangerous reaction.

2. Raw Sprouts

Raw sprouts like mung bean, clover, and alfalfa might be contaminated with Salmonella. Pregnant women have a weaker immune system and are at higher risk of developing the foodborne diseases that could be caused by sprouts. 

But if you want to eat Raw sprouts, cook them to 165 degrees F to kill bacteria to reduce the risk of diseases.

3. Pineapple

Pineapple heats the body rapidly, which could cause premature birth or abortion. It contains bromelain, an enzyme that might be responsible for miscarriage if present in large quantities. 

Sometimes experts recommend consuming canned pineapple as this enzyme gets extracted during the canning process. It boosts immunity and improves health.

So, consuming pineapple once in a month is not bad at all. But it depends on your body if it is accepting the pineapple intake properly or not.

4. Unpasteurized Milk

Consuming unpasteurized milk is dangerous during pregnancy. It is raw milk and has no nutritional value. It contains bacteria like listeria and E.coli that could be harmful to a mother and a baby. So, you should boil milk to kill the microbes. 

5. Canned Foods

Canned foods are harmful due to several reasons. They contain Bisphenol A, a toxic substance that causes cancer, liver problems, and infertility. 

Canned pasta contain high BPA levels that are poisonous for babies. So, choose fresh fruits and vegetables where BPA is not used.

Besides these foods, Ajinomoto, Sesame seeds, seafood, and unpasteurized juices should strictly be avoided.

Final Words

The feeling of becoming a mother can’t be expressed in words, but it also brings stress and happiness. It is a great responsibility for a to-be mother to take care of the baby’s nutrition and health.

So, depending on the type of foods you like, adjust your eating habits. Make sure that your pregnancy diet is not complicated, add a variety of healthy nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Remember what you eat impacts your health and the baby’s health as well. Therefore, choose wisely and consult a doctor before making any changes in your regular diet.
So, if you are pregnant or know someone pregnant, then share this post or recommend them to include the above vegetarian foods in their diet.

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