
Why Should Vegetarians Cut Down Carbon from Their Diet?

The new study suggests that a vegetarian diet can reduce environmental pollution. According to researchers, not eating meat and animal products can reduce a person’s carbon footprint by up to 75%.

If the majority of people stop consuming meat products, then the area of land that is used for global agriculture can be reduced to 75%. This reduction would play a major role in reducing greenhouse gases.

Also, processed foods have more impact on the environment than raw products. This is because of the energy used to manufacture the product. For instance, the impact of wine is greater than that of grapes.

Footprint labels have become common, like nutrition labels. Several vegetarian foods like chocolate and coffee produce more climate emission in comparison to pork and affect the environment. Chocolate is linked to slavery and pollutes farming practices.

Animal-Based Products Affect Environment More Than Plant-Based Food

The new study published in the Science journal reveals that animal-based products add more strain on the planet and not plant-based food.

If you want to decide which food is best for you, then look at the factors, like freshness, taste, and nutrition, and avoid carbon emissions. Asparagus has a greater climate impact than pork.

Several studies have shown that beef production contributes about 90% of the environmental problems. Beef production uses irrigation water and emits higher greenhouse gases.

Ways on How You Can Reduce the Carbon Footprint Through Vegetarianism

Consume protein-rich foods like tofu, beans, and Quorn as a replacement for cheese and eggs. Include foods that are rich in zinc by adding different vegetables to your meal. Avoid consuming vegetarian processed foods and save your leftover meal to try a new recipe with it.

Cooking smart is also another way to reduce its carbon footprint. Wondering how? A gas oven uses 6% of its energy to cook; whereas, an electric oven uses up to 12% of energy. The best method is to simmer on the stove-top. It is recommended to eat raw foods and use electric kettles for cooking or boiling water.

Organic farming methods have less impact on the environment than conventional methods. It uses natural methods for weed prevention and pest control. The growth hormones are not used, and several standards of care are followed to prevent cruelty to livestock. Crops are grown in fertile soil and are rich in nutrients. Also, vegetarian foods require half of the water to grow than meat-based products.

When you shop, make sure that you don’t buy a product that has a long list of ingredients. This means it would have a high carbon footprint. It is advised not to buy frozen foods that have the highest carbon footprint.

Final Words

Vegetables and fruits are one of the most beneficial foods for health and the environment. Whether you follow vegetarianism or planning to turn vegan, make sure that you don’t include foods that have a high carbon and can adversely affect the environment.

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