Vegetarian Food and Nutrition

5 Vegetarian Foods You Should Consume to Balance Sulfur Deficiency

Everyone plans to start a good diet to live a healthy life. While some consume foods rich in protein, vitamin k, and fiber, others who have a deficiency of sulfur look particularly for a diet rich in sulfur.

Due to a lack of scientific research, the exact amount of daily dose of sulfur is not published anywhere. However, the National Academic Food and Nutrition Board suggests that nearly 0.2-1.5 gram sulfur intake per day is enough to meet the body's requirements.

If you are looking for the best vegetarian foods rich in sulfur to be eaten in regular meals, check out the below foods that should be added in a diet for best results.

1. Cheese

Is there anyone who doesn’t love cheese? You add cheese in sandwiches, salads, and other recipes. Cheese, particularly cheddar and parmesan, are rich in sulfur. It also contains a good amount of Vitamin B12, phosphorous, and zinc.

Consuming cheese in any form improves the immune system and gives shine to hair health. It is recommended that individuals aged 10 and older should consume at least 3-4 servings of milk and cheese each day.

2. Garlic

Garlic is another great vegetarian source known for its high content of sulfur. You often consume garlic in your diet, but do you know that garlic also treats several medical conditions?

The sulfur compound from garlic travels all over the body where it exerts several biological effects. It is low in calories and combats sickness, including the common cold. Garlic also contains vitamin B6, manganese and traces of several other nutrients.

3. Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are not only rich in sulfur but also contains fiber, iron, phosphorous, potassium, and carbs. It contains a source of Lignans which reduces the risk of cancer. Consuming a good amount of flax seeds in a regular diet improves cholesterol and plays a crucial role in improving heart health.

4. Walnuts

Walnuts have the highest amount of sulfur. Seeds and nuts like walnuts, cashew nuts are a great source of sulfur, as you consume them raw. It is high in fiber, phosphorous, and a great vegetarian source of omega-3 fatty acids. Consuming walnuts in any form, lowers blood pressure, supports healthy aging, and good brain functioning. Moreover, it has anti-inflammatory effects that keep blood vessels healthy.

5. Onion

Do you know why it is advised to apply onion paste on the scalp when you have dandruff? Because it has the highest concentration of sulfur in the raw form and helps in minimizing dandruff. Onions contain Onionin A, a sulfur compound that has shown to decrease the tumor development and lung cancer in test-tube studies. It also provides quercetin which possesses antidiabetic effects.

Final Words

Include the above foods rich in sulfur in your diet plan for better results. But before you start consuming these foods, make sure that you have consulted a doctor.

Do you know any other foods that are rich in sulfur and should be consumed to prevent severe diseases? Share your views.

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