
Zhuhai is 2nd Chinese City After Shenzhen to Stop Use & Sale of Wild Animals

After the reports published that the coronavirus outbreak has something in common with wildlife animals, Chinese authorities stopped the trading and consumption of dog and cat meat.

Earlier, Shenzhen banned the consumption of wild animals in April. This week, Zhuhai became the second city to follow this. Wider safety measures were taken in response to the coronavirus pandemic, and this also stopped the human consumption of wild animals.

Humane Society International (HSI) - Dog and Cat Are Not Related to CoronaVirus Outbreak

According to Human Society International (HSI), the coronavirus outbreak has played a crucial role in the dog and cat bans. However, these animals are not related to the COVID-19 pandemic by any matter. Wendy Higgins, a spokesperson, said,

"I think certainly the context for these bans is China's revision of its food safety regulations in the wake of COVID-19, that's the basis of the national government statement on the livestock list, and the reason why Shenzhen advanced its wildlife consumption ban."

She further added,

"But the reason stated by Shenzhen for adding in dogs and cats, even though they are not implicated in coronavirus at all, is specifically in recognition of their special status as companion animals.”

Higgins also said-

"I think something else is also going on here and that is that these cities are using this opportunity to reflect the mood of the majority of the Chinese people, most of whom of course don't eat dogs and cats."

The News of Zhuhai Banning Dog and Cat Meat Has Left People Thrilled

Earlier, people in Zhuhai campaigned for long to stop the consumption of cat and dog meat. This news has made them excited, and they feel that their campaign has worked to stop this brutal trade.

Wendy said,

“Zhuhai’s ban on dog and cat meat eating is thrilling news for all those in China and around the world who have campaigned for so long to end this brutal trade. Coming so soon after Shenzhen’s ban and the government’s historic statement classifying dogs as pets, we hope this is the start of a domino effect of progressive legislation across China with other cities following suit.”

Most people in China do not eat dogs and cats, and they have been supporting this cause for years. Also, it is reported that nearly 10 million dogs and 4 million cats are killed. However, no evidence proves that animals like dogs and cats could spread the virus to humans. The dog meat trade is not linked to coronavirus, but it could spread infectious disease.

Final Words

This news is not only good for animal protection but also a great step for human health. The step taken by these cities proves that veganism is making a strong impact on the world. People are accepting that animal cruelty should be stopped, and they consume foods that do not contain any animal products.

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